HFRFC Dinner, Dance and Awards Night

The HFRFC Dinner, Dance and Awards Night is approaching and it’s time to get your tickets!

The event is on the 28th April at the Star & Garter in Putney. There are ONLY 100 tickets. Tickets will be sold on a 1st come, 1st served basis.

Early Bird Ticket £60 can be purchased until Friday 16 March 2018.
Ticket Price from 17 March then be £65 until sold out.
How to book your place?

1. Make a payment to: H&FRFC Dep 1
Sort Code 40 07 04
Account 41891855
Reference : Please use First Initial, Surname and DND as
reference e.g. JDARRALLLDND

2. Then please EMAIL : socialsecs17@gmail.com.
Please state name used as reference, full name and number
of tickets purchased.
Please include names of people you may have got tickets for
Please note team & any allergies
Please add date and time of payment.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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