Hammers 2nd XV take down London Welsh

The day was Saturday the 13th of November year of our lord 2021, it was a mild November day dry and about 14 degrees at Hurlingham park where this titanic top of the table clash was to take place. Despite this mild weather Huw Parks still found it cold enough to wear his Welsh Students warm up top, which was a point of contention as we were about to play London Welsh, getting his DOD nomination in early.

Despite the uncertainty over Huws’ allegiance there was a palpable excitement amongst the team during warm up, lineout darts were looking sharp, Nugget was in his finest Merrell hiking boots and the backs were looking slick. The only concern was from Rich Vaughn who was concerned the wind was blowing South Easterly not Easterly, another putting in a strong DOD nomination.

The game kicked off with great ferocity, some strong kick chasing straight from the off caused errors all over the Welsh backline. With ball in hand the carrying was aggressive, strong carrying from the pack put the Welsh defensive line under more pressure resulting in a handful of penalties. We managed to win a penalty and put ourselves in the corner for an attacking lineout 5 meters out. As in the warmup, the darts were sharp, and a powerful maul saw Max Imfield over for the first points of the game. Conversion missed 5-0 to the hosts.

The pressure kept on showing as the penalty count of the visitors mounted, Huw Parks proved his loyalty by slotting a 3 pointer between the sticks making it 8-0.

The Welsh gathered their composure and after seeing our impressive structure scored their first points of the game by using a driving maul. Conversion missed putting the score at 8-5.

The second half was closed out by some strong Hammersmith pressure, the Jacks and Queens flying into the Welsh defensive line, strong carrying from the back row allowing Ash Mitchell to win a penalty in front of the sticks. Hammers opted for the 3 pointer and there was no mistake from Mr Parks. Score at halftime 11-5.

The second half started in much the same way as the first half, with unbridled aggression. This resulted in another penalty to Hammersmith in the Welsh 22. Huw got his first points of the second half with another fine kick to make it 14-5.

However, London Welsh rallied after this and after several phases of defence on our own line Welsh dove over out wide to score a try. Conversion made 14-12.

This was the wakeup call Hammers needed to close out this game, like the ice bucket challenge the attack was refreshed. Strong running from Rich Vaughn and Sam ‘the eel’ Nursey put Rufus Falkner-Lee into acres of space, as he galloped down the line like a gazelle, the hopes of the crowd were lifting as a try would seal out the game. However instead of feeding the ball to the fullback in a 2 on 1. He decided he was Louis Rees-Zammit and kicked the ball straight into the opposition fullback and instead of letting the ball go into touch for an attacking lineout, he decided to be charitable and carry it out himself. A really strong DOD nomination.

Despite the self-sabotage from Rufus, we managed to win the ball back, compound pressure which resulted in a penalty and Huw Parks made no mistake from the tee. Score 17-12.

During the final minutes, nerves were jangling, as the crowed watched on with great anxiety. The seconds managed to absorb the pressure. Matt Newman, decided enough was enough, went from Scrumhalf to flanker to secure a game winning penalty.

Fulltime Hammers 17 London Welsh 12.

Try: Max Imfield x1

Penalties: Huw Parks x4

Man of the Match: Scott Howe

DOD: Rufus Falkner-Lee

Wordsmith: Chris Ralph


Hammers I’s Defeat Battersea in Legendary Derby


Rome vs Carthage. Sparta vs Troy. Colin vs Cuthbert. Rivalry is a common theme throughout history going back to the dawn of time. This Saturday past produced yet another epic encounter. A match to determine which team would wear the crown of Best South West London 1 South Club Located Around the River and Not Too Far Out of the City.

Hammersmith & Fulham vs Battersea.

It was a fierce mild day for rugby. Like Caesar himself crossing the Rubicon, Hammers crossed the Thames into Battersea territory. ‘Alea iacta erat.’ The die was cast. Hammers had every reason to be confident. A BP win against Chichester the week before had put us on a four game win streak. The augurs portended poor omens however when much of the team struggled to locate the field of battle, with many including the author relying on the navigation skills of consul Joe Caravan to steer us through enemy territory.

The warm-up was sharp. The forwards rumbled through their set-piece, building their maul, line-out and scrum like the great siege engines of old. The backs meanwhile, consubstantial in mindset, practised their moves seeking to expose chinks in the Battersea defence. The winds calmed. The stage was set. The gods waited with bated breath. Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war.

Despite promising preparations, Battersea drew first blood soon after kick-off. Having quickly made it into Hammers’ half, their scrum-half, displaying artful chicanery, embarked on a daring raid of the Hammers’ defence. Having found space where none thought possible, he found his supporting man who charged over Hammers’ line. The conversion duly missed, the score read 5-0 Battersea.

This was the wake-up call Hammers needed and bearing an upright zeal, and great fortitude of character, the 15 men descended upon the Battersea defence. James Lo’s inspirational words of ‘lads these boys all work in the city with us, this game has serious bragging rights’ ringing in our ears. The attack, renewed with great vigour, advanced deep in Battersea territory, halting only briefly when Alex Hart threw a pass where he looked not, drawing great wrath from the sideline. Hammers had a new resolve. ‘Aut cum scuto aut in scuto.’

Stealing the ball from their lineout like a thief in the night, the ball found its way into the hands of Pete Bicknell who punched through the Battersea defence like Moses parting the Red Sea, offloading to his comrades before Pete Morris touched down. Consul Caravan added the extras to put Hammers ahead 7-5.

This foray was followed in quick succession by another, this time, some excellent line-out work marshalled by Zander Stephens gave the backs the platform they needed. Then, in the manner of Hannibal at the Battle of Cannae, Hammers’ backs once again pincered the Battersea defence leaving none other than magnanimous Mitch Lewis to score. Hammers led 12-5.

Not content to rest on their laurels, Hammers once again made a break for Battersea’s line, earning penalty after penalty five metres out. Settling for a scrum, the Hammers pack heaved Battersea backwards, front row Rogan, Gus, and Poulton leading the charge, and some clean-cut passing from the backs put James Lo over in the corner. Consul Caravan added the extras to see Hammers into halftime 19-5 up.

Even in classical times, the gods were oft reluctant to involve themselves in mortal affairs. However, the sheer incredulity of Hammers’ fourth try leaves nothing other than divine intervention as an explanation. With Hammers quickly regaining possession, Mike ‘Lav’ Laverly threw an audacious miss pass along the winds of time themselves. This was quickly followed by a cross-field kick which was, in turn, caught and kicked forward for a waiting Tim ‘le Snack’ Russell to pounce over the line. The Bonus point had been secured.

To their credit, Battersea quickly responded with a score of their own, leaving the score 26-12. However, that would be the last time the ball would cross the whitewash. Other notable occasions included Rosco continuing the team’s black eye tradition. Much like Achilles taking an arrow to the ankle, scrum-half Rosco was punched in the face. Somewhat less poetic sure but no less of a mighty sacrifice to the Hammers cause. Content with his miss pass and having secured the bonus point, Lav duly smashed their 12 off their ball and left the field, having been shown some cheese.

When the final whistle blew, it was Hammers who triumphed in the South West Derby. Man of the match was awarded to Angus ‘Gus’ Brown, a man forged in the sands of the Colosseum, who was decisive in Hammers’ set-piece coming out on top. With five wins in a row, attention now turned to London Welsh at Fortress Hurlingham.

(It should also be noted that the author was not allowed to submit this report unless he included how, in the dying minutes of the game, he was utterly melted by their biggest bloke. Think David vs Goliath but instead of using a slingshot, David just runs into Goliath. That sort of thing.)

Hammers 2nd XV bounce back strong

The Hammers 2s had an away league fixture at Chiswick to face HAC. It had been a tough week of soul searching for the team after the heavy loss against Belsize 2s.

It was a beautiful day for footy and playing on the 4G pitch would encourage running rugby. The boys started well going up 5-0 after 15 minutes and looked the better team, especially in the backs. Then it was a real arm wrestle from then on. By half time it was 12-7. Small errors and lapses in concentration kept HAC in the game.

A try early into the second half gave us some breathing room taking the score 17 – 7. We looked to close out the game from there but through weak defence and silly mistakes HAC managed to score and bring it back to 17-14.

The last 25 minutes were going to be tough for Hammers as HAC had their tails up and had the boys defending their line for long periods of time. Then we clicked into gear and showed real steel holding off waves off attack.

A break off the scrum on our 5m from winger Joe Crawley swung the momentum and gave the boost the boys needed to finish off the game. With some great individual efforts, we took the game away from HAC with the final score being 29-19. HAC scored on the last play of the game.

Great step up as a team from the previous week and we are looking forward to taking on one of the top teams in the league, London Welsh. It should be a cracker of a game

Farnham remind Hammers 1st XV the wins don’t come easy

The Hammers came into Saturday in buoyant mood, having previously dispatched the ‘Wild Geese’ convincingly in their last outing and bolstered by the return of London’s premier Doctor, Steve John, and Mykonos’s favourite beanpole, Alex Hart. In some further changes, club veteran Rogan was asked to carry the water, offering a first start to a man half his age, Ricky Drewitt, at loosehead, whilst Joe Crawley was set to make his debut off the bench after some strong performances for the 2s. The challenge this week lay in the form of Farnham, a side who were marooned near the foot of the table. Nevertheless, closer inspection of results unveiled important nuance – their defeats have all been by tight margins and they pushed table-toppers Welsh close. The warm-up was sharp, and Coach ‘Jacko’ may even have displayed a minor smile across his pursed lips, which should have been a warning sign.

The Hammers got off to a delightful start. A clean kick-off return (not a common feature thus far this season), preceded a fluent period of possession. Playing our attacking shape, the forwards made some dynamic carries, before Joel Caravan played a flat miss pass out to ‘Le Snack’ Russell who kindly returned the egg to the Caravan via the delicate, sun-kissed hands of Hart.

15 minutes later, and it was 14-0 to the Hammers. The combination of Caravan and Russell striking again, with the former making an electric line break before feeding the gas to finish. The Hammers were in control, and with Hart having been yanked on his return midway through the half, they could have had more. Some intense harrying work by the back row titans, John and McMahon, made Farnham cough up possession and our nippy 9, Rossco looked set to score his first ever Hammers try. Sadly, raw pace is not something our Tartan warrior is known for, and a panicked offload found turf rather than the expectant stick-mitts.

As the second half arrived, the portents were rather less promising. Early on, Joel Caravan, drawing inspiration from the burgeoning centre partnership of Lavery and Bicknell, won a brave turnover in the middle of the park, which he soon ruined by booting the ball sideways and straight out. In times gone by, Bicknell would have engaged death stare mode and lessons would be learnt. Sadly, with his fellow Kray twin, Harry Scarr, missing with a sore hand, the aura has faded and he would now struggle to scare a kitten.

Sure enough, Farnham came back into the game, putting the Hammers under pressure. They controlled both possession and territory convincingly during the second half but strong defence kept them at bay barring a single penalty which the Farnham 10 knocked over for some stats-padding. With Farnham knocking at the door, the resolve of the boys was tested further due to a number of injuries. Poulton (back), Bennett (wrist) and John (head) all trudged onto the sidelines with the game in the balance.

However, against the run of play, the Hammers struck to put the game to bed. A penalty provided the opportunity for some territory, however, not for the first time, Lavery missed touch. Fortunately the ball was kicked back to the Caravan himself who manufactured a 3 on 2. Russell showed everyone he has power to go with his raw pace and burst through a double tackle, offloading to Morris who dummied and made it to the line.

The last throes of the game saw a return to the pattern of the second half, with Farnham asking difficult questions in the Hammers 22. Questions which were mostly answered, until they went over with the last play in the game to deliver a final scoreline of 19-10. We wish Farnham well for the rest of the season and look forward to our away trip to Guildford.

MoM: Tim ‘Le Snack’ Russell.

Tin Man: A very unscary Peter Bicknell for impacting the operational capacity of South West London’s emergency NHS services by knocking out Dr Steve John.

Hammers ease past Chichester to claim 4th spot

Hammers ease past Chichester

4th played 5th on a clear autumn day at Hurlingham Park, Hammers were looking to make it 4 wins in a row and maintain their unbeaten run at home. Chichester had won 4 of their opening 6 games making it a crucial clash for both sides.

Hammers were out of the blocks quickly, dominating the early exchanges and pinning Chichester in their 22. This early pressure led Pete Morris to break through the Chichester line and score under the posts. The extras were added to make it 7-0 to the hosts.

Chichester managed to gain a foothold in the game using their set piece and big ball carriers. Ill-discipline in the Hammers defence gave an easy shot at goal which Chichester duly converted.

As the game swung back in favour of the hosts, a fantastic flowing move started down the right wing by Tim Russell and finished off by Joe Carolan scoring  in the corner. Joe then converted his own try from the touchline to make it 14-3.

After a couple of Chichester penalties, the Hammers were on the attack again. After a few carries from the forwards, tightening up the Chichester defence, Angus Brown pulled an pass out the back of the forward pod to Pete Morris. The ball was then spun wide to James Lo to dive over in the corner. Joe knocked over the conversion from the other touch line to make it 21-9 at the half.

Following the break, the Hammers started the second half in similar fashion to the first. Aggressive line speed in defence lead to a Joe Carolan intercept which he ran in from the halfway. He once again added the extras to make it 28-9.

The following 20 minutes was dominated by Chichester. They pinned the Hammers on their own and applied the pressure. They were met with a stoic defence from the Hammers. A particular mention has to go to Sean McMahon, who’s feud with opposition ankles continued for another week and Zander Stephen for consistently disrupting the opposition lineout.

However, in fairness to Chichester they maintained the pressure throughout this period. Their scrum had become dominant and they capitalised on Hammers mistakes. Ill-discipline once again cost the Hammers and a culmination of penalties lead to James Lo being sent to the sin bin. Despite being a man down, the Hammers defence was resolute and they almost made it through the 10 minutes unscathed. But a chip in behind the hammers defence was gathered by their winger to score. The extras were added to make it 28-16.

With the return to a full complement of players, the Hammers started to regain some possession and territory. Another flowing backs move gave James Lo some space, where he broke a tackle and went over in the corner to put the result beyond any doubt.

In the closing minutes, the Hammers were on the attack again. Breaking through a tiring Chichester line, Hammers ran half the length of the pitch the ball going through multiple pairs of hands before Joe Carolan got his 3rd try of the day. The conversion was missed to make a final score of 38-16.

The win made it 2 years ad 3 months undefeated at Hurlingham park. Next week the Hammers will be looking to make it 5 wins in a row against Battersea Ironsides.

MoM: Sean McMahon | DoD: James Lo




Hammers 1st put in a performance against Guildford

Following a disappointing but winning performance the week before against a resilient Farnham, it was a determined Hammers 1st XV that travelled to Surrey for this, their first ever match against Guildford RFC.

From the start, things were different.  The boys started strongly, defending the first 5 mins or so, before winning some good penalty turnovers and taking the game to Guildford and opening the account via a great first try through Pete Bicknell, care of a couple of good Jacks followed by a Whisky (Rangy) and he was in.

Score: 5 vs 0.

Typically, Hammers switched off from the restart, with Guildford employing a split Kick Off. The ball was caught by Captain Joe Carolan on the backs’ side, before a silly penalty was given coming in from the side. Guildford kicked to the corner and then 5-man lineout drive over the line.  Score 5-5.

This lapse in concentration in the first half was what we needed to switch back on, securing the ball from the kick off back and scoring almost straight away, with the forwards retaining possession well which unleashed the back line. A couple of dents from Bicknell and Pete M was able to go himself and make it to the line. Score: 12 vs 5. Hammers extended the lead through a penalty 15 vs 5, before score our third try of the half. Bicknell crash ball, with an offload inside to Joe Carolan under the posts score 22 vs 5.

Unfortunately, this was Bicknell’s last partaking in the game as he went off with a dead leg. Guildford, scored in the final play of the half with the most dubious decision of the year, they kicked the ball through, Mitch put the ball down over the line, ref said that the ball was not controlled, despite admitting there was downward pressure. Score half time: 22 vs 10.

Hammers started the second half on the back foot, catching the restart but giving a penalty away almost straight after. Guildford nudged it into the corner where they remained on our line for the next 5 minutes, however, the defence stayed firm holding them out. When Hammers finally got in their half, they scored from what was undoubtedly our best try of the season and some New Zealand-esque style of rugby. Two quick Jacks and a magic, straighten through the defence, with Joe Crawley on hand to score in the corner. Score: 27 vs 10.

For the next 15 mins we were in our own half unable to escape and unfortunately the defence didn’t hold out as it had done previously. There were some great shots going in with bodies on the line, however Guildford were able to score eventually through 2 pick and go’s in very quick succession. Score 27 vs 22. At this point, concerns of another Medway were in the players’ minds, however, like most of the day our counter attack and freestyle of play put us further ahead. A loose kick from them to Pete Morris, who beat two and offloaded, quick hands from Ricky to Joe, to step inside and offload to Ross who has officially ended his Doughnut. Conversion successful. Score: 34 vs 22.

For the remainder of the game, we were camped on our line. Pete Morris, received a yellow, but bodies were being put on the line including Sean who took a big old blow to the head. Defence remained strong with a massive effort until the ref finally blew his whistle. Final Score: 34 vs 10, and our first away bonus point of the year!

Hammers 3rd get rude awakening against Belsize Park

On a sunny Saturday in Regent’s Park, Hammersmith and Fulham’s 3s arrived to face Belsize Park.

Having defeated London New Zealand only the week before to become the only undefeated side in the league, they felt indestructible, and that surely the league title would be theirs by the end of the season.

However as soon as the game began it was clear something was wrong. Belsize had turned  out to be a much better side than expected, and a blistering and energetic start saw them go 21-nil up.

The Hammers responded with heart, guts, and some solid tackles, but Belsize continued to dominate. By half time the game already looked beyond Hammers, but they did respond with determination in the second half. While Belsize remained too strong for them to win the half, they did manage to pull back a try courtesy of man of the match Fergus MacMillan, who also made some outstanding hits in a strong personal performance as part of a losing cause. The low point of the second half came via an abysmal kick non-chase in his own 22 by Billy Wickham, which saw him awarded the DotD. When the dust finally settled, the Hammers had gone down 42-5, a rude awakening for the title challengers. But as the great thinker Pitbull tells us “I don’t understand the word ‘lose’. I only understand the word ‘learn'”.

We will be waiting for Belsize at Hurlingham. Determined.

Hammers 2nd XV defeat London Cornish

Hammersmith and Fulham 2’s made the favourably short journey of 7 mins down the A3 to play London (eaten too many) Cornish pasties at the Richardson Evans Memorial Playing Fields. Blustery and wet conditions made no excuses. Mitch Lewis got the 2s off to a tepid start via a quick change of direction drop-kick off that didn’t even make it 10 unfortunately.

What Cornish lacked in numbers (13 players) they made up for in brute force as the Hammers found themselves pinned in their own half for the first 20-30 mins eventually leading to a maul-driven try by Cornish in the corner. The windy conditions thankfully meant this try went unconverted 5-0, and the Hammers turgid start finally turnaround after playing some actual rugby resulting in a try to 2s debutant Joe Crawley danced his way through two Cornish players before hurdling their prop to dot down, this was duly converted by Ben Dugdale, our terrier-like dogged halfback, with the sides going in at halftime 5-12 to the Hammers.

In the second half, the Hammers numerical advantage and fitness finally started to pay dividends, which were further compounded due to additional injuries to the Cornish team. Starting the match with a front-row that looked like something you’d find in Terry’s Lost-and-Found bin at the clubhouse, a front three of Whittingham, Reuben “Please Don’t Deport Me” Hernandez, and Johnson actually held their own against a former Cornish 1s prop duo who came in at a whopping 120kg and 130kg respectively. They simply looked as though they had eaten the existing 2s front row and taken their places.

Unforced errors, a lack of discipline across the park, and half a dozen knock-ons from the backs in wet and blustery condition were the key issues for 2s which resulted in Cook, Imfeld and Hernandez having to step in as makeshift centres to eventually play through Vaughan for his second try of the day following a good run from Cook through the midfield. Following a short dry spell Mitch pulled off a cross field kick and with a faithful bounce it landed in the hands of Morgan who sensed white line fever whilst being chased down so started to slide in from the 5m line but even he was unsure if he grounded fully.

However, it was Lalor who was simultaneously both the best and worst in the same passage of play after dropping the ball from a kick-off, somehow managed to avoid knocking it on only to then grubber kick the ball 30 yards, pick it up himself and pass to play in our resident Kiwi Bryce “Up the Bok” Morgan for his second try. He was duly advised by his fellow forwards to cut out that razzle-dazzle nonsense moving forward, else he’ll have got dick of the day.

Ed Donovan received Man of The Match after 4 years out of rugby lasted 80mins and Hernandez, despite similar strong efforts on the loose head side, received Dick of the Day (again!) after giving away a penalty due to a high tackle for the second week running, albeit narrowly escaping a yellow card this time due to mitigating factors.

All in all, quite a lot to improve on across the park, but the 2’s remain undefeated and finished out the match as 38-5 winners.





Hammers 3rd XV overcome a talented London Kiwis to stay unbeaten

A top of the table clash between the two remaining unbeaten sides in the league was always going to be a tasty affair, with neither of the sides wanting their winning streaks to come to an end. The game was to take place at fortress Hurlingham and after the boys were pushed through a much needed warm up overseen by Clarky, and a rousing team talk from our fearless leader Jonesy, the team was ready to take the field against the waiting and undefeated Kiwis.

Sandy started the game by kicking off on the clear and crisp afternoon, deep into the opposition’s half, where the game would be played for much of the first ten minutes of the game. The Hammers first try came from the hands of the quick footed Will Thompson who scored after a quick counterattack on the right side of the field by beating two players and finishing in the corner. The boys continued to rumble forward into the opposition half with some good carries from the forward pack breaking the line. The second and third tries came in quick succession after the first and were scored by Isaac and then by big Willy in the corner, both off of line outs in the Kiwis 22. The rest of the first half was a tougher battle between the two teams with Harry being harshly Sin-Binned and both Sandy and Mooney succumbing to pulled hamstrings and having to leave the field. The Kiwis finally took use of their numerical advantage and managed to pull one back through some good running rugby around the edge of the depleted backline.

Half-Time Score: 15-5

The second half was a far more physical and attritional affair than the first with both teams trying to gain the ascendency. But with the Hammers restored to their full complement the Kiwis were unable to add to their first half score, unfortunately either could the Hammers. Despite the half being scoreless the boys showed plenty of heart and put in many a bone crunching tackle, with Rory and Luke in particular putting some massive hits in, much to the delight of the 2nd XV cheering on from the side lines. The game finished 15-5 to the Hammers, therefore still remaining unbeaten in the league. A top performance all round from the boys and was ended perfectly with a rendition of the club favourite Country Roads on the pitch afterwards to celebrate the victory.

Final Score: 15-5

MoM: Gabriel Bena | DoD: Adam Crompton

Hammers take down spirited Irish

After weeks of firm pitches and Indian Summer rugby we finally saw the arrival of Monsoon season. Boy how we’ve all missed it!

Following a tight loss away to Medway the team’s feeling was that nothing other than a Bonus point W would do. A strong week of training meant the Hammers were in a good place to right the wrongs of the previous fortnight.

From the off the Hammers were keen to play front-foot rugby and to try and throw the ball about. Strong carries across the park gave the Hammers an early five metre attacking scrum. Having been penalised three times in the opening five minutes, Club Captain Rogan pictured himself getting beaten by Seb Money for the third time in a row in a game of Supa-5s. Channelling this aggression he obliterated his opposite man to give Harry Scarr the easiest of touchdowns at the back of the scrum. For most of the first half the Hammers were entirely dominant with the Geese barely able to get out of their own half. Our singular Goose, however, was putting himself about as only a hooker with a back-row complex can do. Two more well-worked tries followed, one from winger/9 Owen “Dominos” Bennett who swapped the XL Meat Feast Pizza for a meat-pie in the corner, and one from Dr. Lean from short-range after relentless forward pressure.

Jacko’s words of wisdom pre –match that “some of you ******s might not touch the ball today” was taken up as a challenge by some. Sean in particular could likely not have told you the brand of rugby ball we were playing with. He did, however, get to know the ankles of the opposition intimately well over the course of 80 minutes.

The middle portion of the game can largely be summarised as scrum, 1 phase, knock on, scrum, penalty, lineout (lost), Bicknell makes 40 metres, knock on, Tim Russell tries something outrageous, scrum etc. The particular highlight was Joe Carolan’s 50m charge-down try in the first play of the second half. The charge down was good, the celebratory dive was excellent!

After this followed a period of Hammers indiscipline and Wild Geese pressure. To credit our opposition, they kept the ball well over many phases and despite a big defensive effort from the Hammers tight 5, eventually powered over from close range.

The conversion for the second try coincided with Sam Nursey stepping the entire Grasshoppers team twice in the same run on the adjacent pitch. This proved the inspiration the Hammers backline needed to provide some final entertainment for our dedicated fans. Having already scored one himself, Joe Carolan unselfishly made sure he didn’t have enough gas in the tank to finish from a Mike Laverly cross-kick, instead offloading out of the tackle for Marshall to score in the corner. From the proceeding kick-off (and last play) the Hammers took the ball from touchline to touchline, and three rucks later Pete Bicknell scored under the sticks.

A particular mention to loyal servant Dr. Lean who played his final game for the club. He ends his Hammers career where he belongs, in the 2nd row. We wish him all the best for his future in the West Country and thank him for his dedication to the club.

Massive thanks to everyone who came down to watch. Not that anyone is counting but we can add another fortnight to our 2 years and 2 month undefeated streak at Hurlingham Park. All in all a cracking Saturday for the club with four wins from four. Terry may need to re-mortgage…