Hammers 5 v Hackney

A sunny day and cross country commute to Hackney ushered in the start of the new season for the 5s. Plans for an early meet to dust off some of the summer indulgences and remind ourselves of moves were largely scuppered by underestimated travel times and equipment issues but some practice of Rhino ball was squeezed in overseen by coach Silcock.
Hackney certainly came out of the gates quicker and had the us pinned in their 22 for the opening 10 minutes of the game which seemed to come almost as much of a surprise to them as it did us. Some solid defence and discipline managed to keep them out. Scrappy play from both teams in the midfield followed with a first serious foray into the Hackney half leading to a solid team try going through many hands on the counter before a silky offload from resident angry 9 Crog Duffy led to young Jack Mitchell crossing the line and scoring the 5s first try of the season for the third year running (early try scoring promise often overshadowed by a mid-late season drought).
The 5s slowly started to click in to gear as the game progressed with well worked trys coming from Felix Whitechapel (showing his trip to the 7s world cup over the summer had only enhanced his love for a rangey run) and Leon Gillespie powering over the line from 10 after sustained pressure. Hackney put forward a physical challenge but the strain was beginning to show. The 5s looked set to go in to the half three tries up however some confusion under a kick between the back 3 led to a comical try for Hackney to end the half.
Some fresh legs at half time and a reminder that Rhino ball was not the only move in the locker led to a blistering start to the second half with two full team trys coming in short order. The first having Tomos Edwards forget he is a second row and combine a show and go, step and fend to beat half the opposition back line and create some space before switching with Michele Bongiorni to create a try of the season contender. The second a well worked backs move off a set piece leading to pitch inspector Jamie Drysdale going under the posts despite the hard ground. The game became a little scrappy from there with fatigue setting in and a secure result however the backs looked dangerous throughout leading to Paul Davies rolling back the years and bursting through the middle for a first try since the closure of The Larrik. The game was closed out with a further couple of tries and Hackney were kept scoreless thanks to a try saving tackle from Ed Spooner. Points were left on the board through kicker Stephen Danby showing pin point accuracy and hitting the post on 3 occasions which he took with characteristic good humour and grace…. A decent game all round with a dominant set piece (100% line out retention) and the backs looking dangerous but plenty to work on for next week against perennial challengers Belsize Park.
Final score 48-7 a good start to the season with some sore bodies and heads on Sunday morning.
MoM – Tomos Edwards & Michele BongiornI
DoD – Paul Davies (ending try drought)
Trys – Mitchell J, R., Mitchell J, A., BongiornI, Davies, Whitechapel, Drysdale, Gillespie, Edwards 

Hammers 2 v Hackney – Match Report

And So…… after huge amounts of sustained pressure, lobbying, and Supa 5s contests at Hammersmith Town Hall, Hammersmith and Fulham Council realised that they in fact loved having heavily blazer clad Jack Whitehall wannabees on their side-lines and it was time for Hammers to run out for the first time this season at Fortress Hurlingham. Fortunately, the fixture gods had been in kind and the visitors for the first 2s league game were in fact Hackney following the clubs’ respective first teams drawing in East London the previous week. This was excellent news for the Hackney Lads as one had heard that they too loved the Blazer Bantaaaarrr and were only too keen to get down to share tales of tour medals and chundaaaarr on the side-line.
Unfortunately, the only blazer spotted by the author was not one of the Hammers variety and worn by a man resembling a young Gerard Depardieu than the League of Their Own resident comic that so many of the Hammers have idolised over the years. That said, the man in question was heard to be propositioning a lady outside Maremoto at 3AM the following morning with the promise of Cheese and Wine at his Fulham flat should she wish to return with him. She wasn’t hungry.
And so, Hammers got the game underway with the words of stand-in skipper McClean ringing in their ears…… ‘They’ve not come down here to mess about boys and they’re not just going to roll over!’
What followed was a spectacle of free flowing rugby, some say the likes of which Hurlingham has not seen since the days of an Alleyne/Walters halfback combination, and telegrams. Hammers looked to get into shape quickly, similar to many boys after their initial Bronco tests, and began going to work on making inroads into the Hackney defence. There was a lot of hard yakka for the Hammers early doors but eventually pressure told with Huw Bowen going over on the right win in the first minute. Warner converted and then the floodgates opened.
A first half followed where Hammers continued to run in tries from everywhere, much to the dismay of the Home Crowd, and so Bomdhat, Basher and Del had a nap, and Billy Rylance continued drinking. 7 more tries followed from all over the park scored with Warner, Gee, Panter (2), Murray and Goldberg (2) all going over, Warner converted 6 of them to make the score 52-0 at the break.
At half time the mood was buoyant, but with some of the lads looking like they’d run 4 broncos in the blistering SW6 sun, changes were made in order for Hammers to keep up the pace after the break.
This they did, and the boys were quickly into their stride in the 2nd period. Straight off the bench, Jordon Abbot crossed first following a superb pop off the floor by teacher’s pet McClean. Rumours are he celebrated later that weekend with a marathon 4 hour Sunday session of the popular children’s game ‘Bop-it’. We look forward to seeing the fruits of his labour once more in training this week.
More changes were rung and James Darrall came on…. gave away a pen….. protested his innocence and was marched 10 meters. Impact.
Fox crossed next, having cut a line just as he cut’s lads’ lunches, followed by 2nd tries for Gee and Bowen shortly after, before Shepppard, playing in his more suited position of full back, trundled in from the 40 metres. Panter, Bowen and Gee all then completed hat-tricks. I think it would be fair to say that with the line at his mercy for his third Alex Gee had at least 29 other blokes on the pitch trying to tackle him yet persistence prevailed. Word is he was later overheard in the Durrell stating ‘Hammers…..completed it mate’ #stayhumble
Coach Dunseath entered the field of play to ring some changes in the back line. He was still on the field of play when the ball was launched into the air from the Hackney restart, but scampered off with a rabbit in headlights urgency, just as the ball was collected by the hammers pack. Fox to 10, Warner to 11 and another change somewhere else….. maybe. It seemed to work which is a testament to the amount of work the lads have put in in pre-season from a chaos point of view. Or it might have been that Hackney a lot of points down.
Alex Warner collected his 2nd off a well worked move from the back of a scrum and a perfectly timed, sumptuous pass into his path from whomever had the ball prior to him. Panter converted excellently from the side-line as Warner handed over the kicking duties….. might be a while before he gets them back.
There was still time for Jordon Abbott to be involved in possibly the most polite held up decision in Rugby History after he explained ‘he really wasn’t too fussed’ in a fairly patronising matter of fact way. This was not taken lightly by Skips and was punished accordingly later in the afternoon, however it was on this note that the final whistle blew, the Three Stoodges awoke and Hammers were victors with handsome points difference to start the campaign.
Final Score 115-0.
Credit where credit is due, Hackney at no point rolled over (to Josh’s delight) and kept playing right through to the end without deliberately turning the game into a scrap. Hammers can expect a much tough test later in the season when they travel to Springhill for the return leg.
A good day’s work from Hammers overall, and although the game was one sided, the boys stuck true to structure and pattern throughout and got some good metres under the belt. We look forward to a big week into a full programme of league games this weekend. Training no doubt will bring some hard graft and news of anyone who served any cheese and wine.
A great way to start the ball rolling at Hurlingham this season and a ‘Great Day to be a Hammer!’.
2nd XV Vs Hackney
  1. Rob Johnston
  2. Phil Lord
  3. Joe Darwood
  4. Zander Stephen
  5. Josh McLean ©
  6. Ultan Bruton
  7. Ash Mitchell
  8. Tim Murray
  9. Dave Buchanan
  10. Alex Warner
  11. Alex Gee
  12. Rob Fox
  13. Dave Panter
  14. Huw Bowen
  15. Jack Goldberg
  1. James Darrall
  2. Tim Williams
  3. Jordan Abbott
  4. Ed Clark
  5. Sam Sheppard
Tries: Bowen x 3, Warner x 2, Gee x 3, Panter x 3, Murray, Goldberg x 3, Abbott, Fox, Sheppard
Cons: Warner x 14, Panter x 1
Motm: Zander Stephen
Tin Man: Jordan Abbott

Hammers 2 v London Scottish – Match Report

07/04/18 – Hammersmith & Fulham 2ndXV vs London Scottish  

The final league game of the season and everyone is prepared for an exciting game. The tourists are back from Barcelona and they have brought the sun back with them, a sunny 18 degree day with a slight wind and fast track, the scene was set for good day away. 

With the warm up complete and the final team runs rehearsed the team was ready. With bagpipes playing  in the background, Gary Leith lead the Hammers out onto the pitch. 

Scottish kicked to start the match and Hammers returned with a strong run, some disciplined forward patterns earned a penalty and they edged further down the pitch. A clean take in the line out and a well directed maul put the Hammersmith on the front foot. Charging runs from Rob Fox and Cillian Waldron through the centres pushed the play further into the attacking 22. The loose forwards of Scottish were stalking every ruck but unfortunately gave up a penalty 5 out from the line. Lining up for the set play anticipation was high, Billy Rylance picks the ball and drives a pack over the try line, appealing the grounding to the referee, when there are clearly 2 bodies under the ball.  

Another scrum 5 out an this time the ball is passed wider to James Watson who breaks for the line and with and outstretch arm scores a try right next to the posts. With the conversion confirmed the Hammers make it 7-0,  as they head back to the centre. 

The restart from Scottish is wayward and travels straight out of play, and Hammers capitalise from the scrum with a solid link up between the centres, back into positive territory.  Again the organised forward patterns have the Hammers moving forward, Gary Leith sees an opportunity and makes a sniping run, a couple of the Scottish players see this and decide Gary would be better without a head. Keeping his head, just, Gary marches the play down the field with a kick to set up for an attacking line out. Another controlled maul sets the play which results in Billy Rylance driving through over the try line making no mistake and clearly grounding the ball this time. The unfaltering boot of Eldredge makes it a clean 14 points. 

The kick is clean but Hammersmith fumble the catch, the ball is regathered and the attack is on down the short side, Sol makes a short but skillful run before kicking the ball downfield into touch clearing the defensive territory. Scottish set a full line for the throw but with a sneaky trick play hit the jumper at 2 who feeds it back to the hooker, he is away down the side line and bursts through two red shirts, he is away until he is forcibly stopped by Watson’s head. Time is off as both players took a big hit. Play resumes and Hammers get a good drive on the  scrum where they have been dominant all day, the ball comes cleanly and good meters are gained through the open field. Unfortunately too many metres as the back runner is isolated and the quick to counter ruck Scottish earn the penalty. Pushed back to the half line for the line the Hammers have the support of their bench right behind the hooker. James Roche and Bob Davies have been all over the defensive line out  and this one is no different, stealing it out of the air. Hammersmith send it wide and charge down the field. Sol is cut down before he can score in the corner, but support arrives to secure the ball.  A couple of mid field crashes by the forwards draw the defence in and Hammersmith look to send it wide, not the cleanest of set ups, but good recovery in the hands of Waldron and Lewis Stenson put Ralston in space to score in the top corner. The sometimes faltering boot of Eldredge can’t add to the score and it stands at 19-0. 

Half Time Hammersmith 19 – London Scottish 0 

Hammers restart the second term with a solid kick, which goes to one of London Scottish’s solid runners who charges right into the pack requiring multiple bodies to bring him down. Some half time changes bought further firepower to the Scottish centres who tool the next hit up again making good gains for the athletic Scottish team.  On the front foot Scottish looked to spin it wide but Josh Petit had other ideas and as the ball travelled through the air an out stretched Petit intercepted, gathered and continued on his way through open space to dot down 5 points of his own. The increasingly faltering boot doesn’t help and the score is at 24-0.  

A good take by Scottish sees them bring play back into the Hammers half. Full of energy and with plenty of players keen to run the ball Scottish pick up the pace of the play bringing into the game the pace of their wingers. Solid covering defence by the back 3 make sure neither get through and do a good job of putting them into touch. Time is off as Petit has his jackling hand taped back together which gives the team a chance to catch their breathe. Another line out stolen by the Bob-Roache towers and the play crashes into mid-field, only to be turned over again by some isolated running. The Scottish scrum holds together and the ball is out cleanly but confusion in the backs causes it to go to ground, the referee deems it to be a free ball  which is taken advantage of by Hammersmith. The ball goes wide right and into the hands of Ultan, returning for his first game since injury. You wouldn’t know though as he builds speed and cuts a swathe through 3 defenders, still the fullback to beat he casually draws the man and passes to where, if he were 10 years younger and hadn’t been on tour the previous week, Andrew Rogan would have been. Instead Rogan is lagging a metre or so off the pace and watches the ball sail over the touch-line, missing the opportunity of a certain try and in this act earning himself tin man.  

Play is resumed and through strong defence Hammers win the ball back, Probably Petit in there somewhere.  A quick tap of the ball had Scottish on the back foot with and overlap, clean hands saw Lewis outrun a diving fullback to place the ball down and keep the scoreboard ticking over. Conversion unsuccessful. 29 – 0. 

Hammersmith receive the kick and push their way down field through solid work from the forward pods. Some undisciplined play is creeping into the Hammersmith game as everyone is feeling confident, pinned for not releasing Scottish receive a penalty, not wasting any time, they tap and catch the Hammers on their heels a couple of quick passes and some fancy footwork sees the Hammers defence scrambling, but it is too late, the line is broken and they can only chase as the Scottish speed beat them under the posts for 5 points of their own.  A neat conversion makes it 29-7 with not long to play. 

Hammersmith use the opportunity to bring on fresh legs switching up their halves combination to their younger scrum half Dave Buchanan and John McManus to flyhalf. After a wake up call of the line being broken, the focus is back onto the team structure.  Strong carries from Tim through the mid-field bring the momentum back the Hammers way and controlled play earns a penalty on the half way line which McMannus advanced to 10 out with an outstanding kick. The line out is taken and the drive is on falling just short of the line, Scottish defence is strong and pushes back against the forward hit ups several phases result in no advantage gained until Rylance picks a mismatch, gets some speed and punches the line breaking through for his second. McManus takes over kicking duties and is closer but cannot add points this time. 34 -7 

With only minutes to play London Scottish are laying it all on the line some loose passing and isolated running result in Hammersmith ending up with the ball edging their way further down the field. Scottish find themselves again defending on their own try line which they do successfully for several phases, but as the Hammers offensive line spreads out an overlap is created on the blindside, quick hands and the ball is out to Eldredge who steps back inside, with an excellent decoy by Roche on the outside, is over the line and puts it down to take the score to 39 – 7. 

Full time Hammersmith 39 – London Scottish 7  

Man of the Match: Josh Petit & Sol Lucas            

Tin man : Andrew Rogan 


Rylance x 2, Watson, Ralston, Petit, Stenson, Eldredge 


Eldredge x 2  

Hammers 4s v Kilburn – Match Report

’was an overcast Saturday with heavy rain overnight, waterlogged pitch which played in the favour of Kilburn Cosmos large pack. Some were playing through their heads the loss earlier in the season with Jonny Sexton style 45m drop goal in the dying minutes to take a win for the Cosmos on the holy land of Hurlingham Park.

The warm up looked slick and the lads were up for the battle knowing the odds were partially against them from a league positioning perspective. This did not phase the Lads routine and commitment. Knowing we had the direction of De Wolf, Will Parker (beer bench due to suspected broken neck/thumb) and Tillbrook (c) the tables would be turned with structure, structure, structure.

The game kicked off, boy did the hammers apply the pressure, for the first five minutes Cosmos couldn’t leave their last third. Everyone on the pitch and the beer bench swing lowing in full force could see a try coming. They were not disappointed a well executed and dominating driving maul put us  to five metres out then some quick hands to Hamish who executed the chance with no hesitation. Five-nil to hammers.

After the kick off some against the play Cosmo pressure and little lack of discipline from the Hammers gave them an opportunity to come away with points.

Five – three….. then another try for the Cosmos which was not converted from a bit of sloppy play and a turnover from the Hammers trying to exit their 22. After some strong words from Tilbrook the Hammers started to front up again, with some blistering pace down the wing from Emmett (11) and Mark Bishop (15) yards were being gained then after a lost ball the Cosmos were on the attack. Matt Perry (9) who had been bossing it from behind the pack decided to put his body on the line but sadly did not come out well and the stretcher of Parker and De Wolf was needed. Ed Brown (9) came on knowing he had a point to prove (as he arrived very very late… tin man possibility). The game started open up, we went wide but sadly George (13) had to retire from international duty due to a legacy knee injury.
A bit of Cosmos pressure followed, then on the attack, Ed Brown (9) put up a box kick which was duly chased by Eldridge and Brown. The Cosmos 15 didn’t know what to do, he half committed but the full commitment of the Hammers boys saw Eldridge gather inside the 22 and pass outside him selflessly to Kris Conor to convert.

Notable injury around the 30 minute mark for George legacy knee issues, will be a big loss for the rest of the season.

The first half then stagnated with piles of pressure from the Cosmos and a solid line of defence from the Hammers which they were unable to break. Although we got away with some ill-discipline  as the Cosmos were unable to convert 2 penalties.

The first 15 minutes of the second half was very much the same as the latter stages of the first. Continual Cosmo pressure until the larger Cosmos pack finally rolled over the line to what looked like a dubious grounding but was awarded none the less.

This put the Hammers into over drive. Pressurising the Cosmos with some flare knowing they needed to bring a W home.
Quick snipe from 9 with Emmet outside him pass was about to be completed and Emmett had been smashed without the ball and was out cold. The Hammers boys were screaming for a penalty as Emmett was clear through, when he came to he had a Mark Bishop golden lock within the cut, so a notable hammer on hammer collision!

Hammers still trailing by a converted try, Ed Brown tried to gain some yards with a well weighted box kick that their winger collected in the air. A steam rolling slightly overweight 9 was on his way and there was no stopping him. The winger had not quite made it to the ground (all of 1” according to the beer bench) and was hit rather hard. Was this a yellow card offence, the Cosmos seemed to think so but the referee thought that it was a 50/50 challenge and awarded the Cosmos a penalty. A lucky break for the hammers to not have gone down to 14 men.

Some notable yards gained as the game was coming to its close with the Cosmos sitting back trying to slow the game down knowing they could no longer play the route one rugby that has turned so many other teams over. The backs were in the zone with the well drilled moves, commitment in the ticks and some quick ball.
Hammers scrum, the referees watch was beeping as the ball was fed in to the scrum. Some same way rugby opened up an over lap that was spotted, the ball was shipped from 9 to 12 to Mark Bishop who committed the defender and we had a 2 on 1 sympathetic pop to Kris on the wing outside the 5m line.  The clock hit 81 mins and Kris was in, the beer bench, the players were besides themselves. It was like the moment Johnny Wilkinson sat in the pocket and time seemed to stop….. the ball was knocked on…. the whistle blew for full time… then the flood gates started!!!

Thanks to De Wolf and Parker for making this an epic season.
The beer bench deserve a special mention, at times I felt like a Welshman in the principality stadium.
Some notable hits from Tillbrook, eldridge and Tommy.

Mom – Eldridge
Tin man – Ed Brown (horrendous admin and punctuality)
Debutants – George Evans, Andy Punter and Charlie McCarthy.

Hammers 5s v Twickenham – Match Report

Warmer temperatures graced West London as the V’s looked to turn up their own season to inferno-like temperatures away at Twickenham. The hosts were sat above us in 2nd and hadn’t lost for some time.

The Hammers began well keeping possession and battering away at the oppo line. Soon SBW spotted a ginger Devin Toner in the line and gleefully skipped through before a never before seen, chip and chase resulted in a line out to Twickenham around their 5 metre line.

After good yards from Whitechapel and Paul Davey, the Hammers were soon over the line with a tap and go from Wyss.

With a 5-0 lead the next 20mins or so found the hammers stuck in their own half, but essentially defending like troopers. An embarrassing call for the posts from a Twickenham penalty resulted in an even more embarrassing miss and they were about to be taught a lesson for that decision. A no.8 scrum pick up in the hammers own half got momentum going before the Mitchell brothers combined majestically with Whitechapel who went over to finish a move that started some 75 yards back. Taking the V’s in 10-0 at the break.

An emerging theme for the game became the lack of kicker for the hammers. 6 different men did step forth. 6 different kicks. 6 misses to touch……despite that we got back up their end and after great composure on the line it came down to no.8 vs winger, at which point there was a cry of “lord have mercy upon my soul” and a try was indeed scored.

The tempo of the game was extremely high it must be said, and finally the oppo broke through after a few shirt grabbing attempts in the backs and some twinkle toes from Butter Beans Bigger Brother rounding a tired Hammer. With 20 left the score was 15-5

Keeping things calm and looking after the ball paid off soon after, with the defence being sucked in by the forward ball carriers, Jamie Drysdale skipped through a tackle or two 35 yards out and touched down for a welcomed bit of meat.

With 10 left most of us could barely stand, but with some quick thinking and quicker feet from Charlie Allen, sniping from the ruck and a deft offload combining with the basketball training of Whitechapel, paid off as he weaved through again for 30-40 yards out and go under the posts to bury a now feebled Twickenham. With Stiven Danby now on the pitch, the extras were slotted to make the final score 29-5.

Al Hamilton – 7

Ever elusive in the loose, but a solid front row performance must be attributed to some of his good work in that area.

Stiven Danby – 6

Suggestions of mis-placed hair straighteners led to a late arrival and a brief appearance off the bench for this usual starter. His place-kicking boot was missed in the first half for sure.

Angus Hortop – 7

A very solid day around the park with some effective carries to go with being a part of a very sturdy front row action.

James Mitchell – 9

Two vital turnovers bailed the team out when under pressure in their own half on both occasions. Plenty of hard yards made with ball in hand and robust in defence as usual.

Dan Kenney – 7

Busy all over the park. An all around positive outing minus the headlock tackle.

Michael Cusition – 9

Firing into the line like a freshly polished shotgun. Hitting as hard as a bucking horse, whose brains had just been introduced to a led filled cartridge or two. Relentless.

Jack Mitchell – 8

Thrived as the game become more broken up in the second half. Some textbook chop tackles helping his side gain turnover or two.

Mark Wyss- 8

Ton of yards made and two meat pies. Couple of defensive lapses against smaller ratty opposition who didn’t fancy running straight.

Charlie Allen – 6

This young man dealt well with the frequent change of position throughout the game, before finding himself delivering a few pee-roller passes at scrum-half in the latter stages of the game. Thrives best in open space – similar to Gareth Thomas.

Antoine Bourgalt – 7

The extra protein shake before the game really helped him deliver a solid first half, feeding his runners with succulent ball at all times. Sadly he went a bit too ‘Va Va Room’ and tackled a player before retreating 10 – resulting in a yellow card for the flamboyant Frenchman.

Felix Whitechapel – 8

Came on strong when it mattered with two second half tries to shut out the game. Top notch support running.

Ben Hubert – 5

Some catching practise (and Beta Blockers) may need to be involved in next weeks training schedule.

Paul Davey – 7

A very strong first half, weaving his way around like a hyperactive scatty scuttlebutt, making great yards in the opposite 22. Few link up problems with his inside man made for a more quiet second half. Defensively very sound.

Jamie Drysdale – 7

The man known as the ‘Bolton Basher’ held his own very well against in the first half, before really coming alive in the second half with a try to really take the game away from Twickenham. A performance to re-ignite the memories of Kevin Maggs romping down the park.

Rory Newton – 9

Not featuring too often in the match (through not fault of his own), the brother of Peter Saigen and cousin of Naro Quintana showed excellent decision making and pace to run the ball back from deep well into the opposition half. He looks to have made the right choice in hanging up the racquet and switching sports.

Betram Darcy – 6

A good effort late on in the match. Otherwise, probably the most sexy linesman I’ve ever seen.

Michele Bongiorni – 6

Some good bursts of pace, and often demonstrated the guile of Diego Dominguez. Caught napping a little on a grubber kick through, but otherwise very solid from our favourite y-front model.

Man Of The Match:

Michael Cusition

Tin Man:

Antoine Bourgault


Wyss (2), Whitechapel (2), Drysdale.

Hammers 1s v Enfield Ignatians

Hammersmith and Fulham travelled to North London on 3rd of February with an 11 year losing streak for Enfield against Hammers on their side but with H&F below Enfield in the table. 

Mark Blyghton, captain, had said throughout the weeks training that this was a must win match and Hammersmith & Fulham were fighting their way out of a hole.  

Well, Hammers came out swinging for their season.  

Uncharacteristic of the year H&F were the first on the score board. H&F defence causing a loose ball, allowing James Lo to run over the whitewash and Hamish Dalgarno to convert.  

Characteristically Hammers punished themselves by giving away penalties, and Enfield gladly converted a penalty in front of the posts.  

After some thumping tackles, H&F caused the ball to be turned over and Tom Parkinson to roll back the years. Brushing off tackles, as if they were minis on Sunday, he dived over the line – conversion missed.  

This purple period in the middle of the first half was paying dividends for Hammers. Enfield could not live with the physicality of the ‘smaller’ pack. With a wet ball and aggressive defence came the mistakes. James Lo quite happily collected a dropped ball and no one was catching the wing. Converted by Dalgarno.  

The second half did not have the same x factor as the first but required Hammers to put Enfield to the sword.  

With Enfield now in Mark Blyghtons metaphorical ‘hole’, they had to fight from the ropes.  

They were camped firmly in Hammers 22 but the defence held out, with a knock on from a ferocious hit from 2 of Hammers back row.   

This saw the momentum swing back to H&F. Back up in Enfield 22, Hammers were clinical with their next try. Winning a scrum against the head, the ball went through the hands of Tom Assal, Tim Murray, Charlie Precious, Dave Bloxsam and finally to Keith Rogers who superbly finished in the corner.  

Enfield did come back with one try but Hammers had the bonus point win at the 60th minute mark.  

A good win all round, allowing hammers out of the relegation spots. 

A team finally coming together.  

Final Score: Hammersmith and Fulham 24 – Enfield Ignatians 8

Hammers 4s v HAC – Match Report

Hammers 4s welcomed HAC to a grey and wet Hurlingham Park on Saturday, looking to avenge the frustrating defeat that HAC had inflicted on them in November. With a strong warm-up completed, and the rain thankfully stopping in time for kick off, HAC got proceedings underway.

Hammers started strongly with some excellent carrying from the forwards allowing John McManus to find some good territory in the HAC half. With Hammers pinning HAC back in their own 22, continued strong carrying got them close to the line and after a couple of phases, Mark Johnson forced himself over to open the scoring.

It was more of the same following the restart with Hammers again camped in the HAC half and looking to add another score quickly. A cross-field kick from McManus fell agonizingly short of finding wing Cillian Bane, but Hammers didn’t have to wait much longer for their second score. A trademark rampaging run from Gael Ofi created some space out wide and Oli Scholes was on his shoulder to take the offload and touchdown in the corner. 12-0 Hammers.

It had been a perfect start from Hammers, but following the restart HAC finally managed to get their hands on the ball and went through some phases nicely, putting Hammers under pressure in their own half for the first time in the game. This pressure eventually told and HAC crossed down the left wing to get themselves on the scoreboard.

Hammers used the opportunity to regroup well and bring play back into the HAC half. On the back of continued dominance up front, the ball was spread into the backs and into the hands of Chis Jager. Jager looked up, and having spotted the gap, scythed through the defence before outpacing the full back and touching down in the corner for a brilliant individual try. 17-5 Hammers.

Halftime – Hammers 17- HAC 5

The second half started off with neither team being able to put too much pressure on the other, and with some good tactical kicking not many opportunities were being created. However, HAC then broke the second half deadlock first, breaking free down the left before evading the cover to dot down and bring the score to 17-10.

The game was back in the balance and Hammers needed to front up for a big last 25 minutes to see off the HAC challenge.

The Hammers forwards were still dominant up front, and with more pressure on the HAC scrum a penalty was won that McManus duly dispatched to take the scores to 20-10, and give Hammers a little bit of breathing space.

The restart was well claimed by Johnson and following a strong break up the middle from Andrew Tillbrook, play was back in the HAC half. Hammers were now starting to ramp up the pressure, and with HAC bodies getting sucked in to try and stem the tide of Hammers ball carriers, there was space out wide and following a long pass from McManus, Matt Baddeley managed to offload out of the tackle freeing Will Finn to scamper over in the corner and bring the score to 25-10.

There was still time for HAC to bring play back into the Hammers 22 with a penalty kicked to touch, but the Hammers defensive line held firm and closed the game out for a fantastic win.

Final Score: 25-10

Tries: Mark Johnson, Oli Scholes, Chris Jager, Will Finn

Kicks: John McManus (1 con, 1 pen)

Tin Man: Karl Watson – Forgetting his kit four weeks in a row!

Man of the Match: Chris Jager – Some strong carrying, big hits and a fantastic try!

Hammers 1s v London Nigerians – Match Report

Coming into this weeks game both teams had been struggling with recent results, with London Nigerian sat at just above the mid way point in the league table and the Hammers sitting in relegation zone at 11th. After two very good training sessions in the wet weather, the Hammers boys were desperate to put in a big shift and produce the upset they had been long waiting for.

With both the home crowd and wind behind the Hammers the game kicked off.

Within the first play of the game the Hammers asserted themselves and took full control. The lads were very quickly rewarded for this initial push with a try from back rower Julie Draper. With such a quick score it was essential the boys didn’t ease off.

After the restart the Nigerians were once again pinned back within their 22, struggling to get out of their own half and taking a beating from the home sides’ attack. The Nigerians’ scrum half did not help the cause missing touch 5 times in the first half subjecting his team to an onslaught from the Hammers back three.

Hammers wing James Lo soon capitalised on these mistakes with a try in the corner following a strong touch line run. Scrum half Ollie Chambers slotted the kick to make it 12 – 0 in almost as many minutes.

With another restart and the wind still on the Hammers side the Nigerians found themselves in an all familiar position for the day, the Hammers seemed to have great control of the game at the half way point in the first half. After some decent phase play flanker Magnus Barber managed to get on the end of a superbly timed offload to run in another home try. Ollie once again hitting him target and keeping the score board ticking over in favour of the home side.

Not to be out done by the forwards, fullback Hamish Dalgarno and winger David Bloxsom both put their names on the score sheet picking up a try a piece before the close of half time.

HT HFRFC  29 – London Nigerian 0

The second half kicked off with the wind blowing into the face of the Hammers. London Nigerian now had a chance at inflicting some damage back onto their opposition. However, some great defence and even better set piece from the pack leveraged the control back in favour of the home side.

Just past the 10 minute mark in the second half the score board ticked over again, in favour of the red and whites as Julien Draper picked up his second try of the match. Ollie managed to turn the 5 pointer into a 7 pointer with the home side now well and truly out in front and looking very hard to catch.

Moments later London Nigeria responded with some attacking play of their own. They managed to make impressionable yards through some decent phase play from within their own half. A penalty kick towards the corner flag then found them within touching distance of the Hammers’ try line. Nigerians resorted to some classic “ball under the shirt” rugby opting for a driving maul which led to their Number 5 getting over the line for their first score of the afternoon.

With less than 10 minutes to go and the game well in the home sides control captain Mark Blyghton opted for a kick at goal following a string of infringements from the away side deep in their own half. Ollie nudged the additional 3 points putting the score well and truly out of reach of the visitors.

To top things off, the Hammers finished some well deserved play again through Dalgarno who carved his way seamlessly through the Nigerians back line to snatch his second for the day. Ollie once again picked up the conversion which put an end to the play for what was a thoroughly enjoyable bonus point win for the Hammers.

FT  HFRFC  46 – London Nigerian 5

Tries: Dalgarno 2, Draper 2, Barber, Bloxsom, Lo

Kicks: Chambers (4 con, 1 pen)

MOM: Tom Assal
DOD: Chambers

Hammers 2 v Bishop’s Stortford – Match Report

Anticipation had been building through the week as the Hammers 2’s side began preparation for a double header (for the uneducated/unaware, this was a league and cup match in one) against Bishop’s Stortford III team (BS). The previous result of Hammers travelling the 31.85 miles (as the crow flies) to the BS ground saw blood and tears for Hammers where we lost heavily 36-7, this only fuelled the preparation and desire for revenge.  

The Hammers were “fully prepped”/had mostly arrived by 12:30 ish as the jovial Australia Day cobwebs had been blown away (mostly) by those irresponsible enough to consume alcohol the night before game day. Any way I deviate from the purpose of this report, the match… 

With BS arriving late due to the long trip, kick off was pushed back by 10 mins – a prime example of the gentry required to be a Hammer. At 14:10, with devilish wind and rain hammering (no pun intended) down on the yellow shirt of the French referee, he blew his whistle and we were off. 

Hammers kicked off through the disintegrating boot of Eldridge, almost instantly winning the ball back through a BS knock on. The Hammers scrum was dominant from the off with the front row of Williams, Johnson and Conway rumbling their way towards the try line with arrogance that can only be described as front row swagger. We came close with Eddell running good lines in the centre, but this trip to the BS 22 was not to be fruitful.  

BS began to battle their way out of their 22 until a loose loopy pass was intercepted by the bearded hooker Johnson. Showing his blistering pace, he trotted in from 25 metres out, a simple conversion in front of the sticks from Taylor W meant Hammers were leading 7-0. 

A period of dominance from BS was to follow, they held on to the ball with effective use of a series of human cannon balls and battering rams with top tackles coming in from Fox, Rylance and familiar faces Roche and Pettitt. The BS barrage was too much to contain and saw Hammers slide to 7-14 down. Déjà vu of our previous trip to BS was at the forefront of all our minds, we had to move on. 

Despite Thompson jumping 20 seconds early to try and catch the kick off, Hammer’s found a new foot hold in the game with Lucas making good metres, supported by the forwards continued domination at the set piece resulting in Conway scoring a sneaky try at the back of a maul. Taylor W slotted conversion number two and we were at 14-14. 

HALF TIME – Score was tied 14-14 

The second half began and the first five minutes showed both sides cancelling each other out with the only notable event being Taylor W getting smashed in the midfield with a tackle that can probably still be heard echoing around the sanctuary that is Hurlingham Park. Baxter showed he’s not just a pretty face as he continued to put his body on the line for the club making some great tackles. Still fuelled on adrenaline from the rib tickler Taylor W joined the forwards and managed to sneak himself a try from a pick and go! He added another 2 points taking his running total for the game to 11 as Hammers now led 21-14.  

A passage of good play from Hammers saw Sheppard loop around and score in the right-hand corner. An almost impossible kick for Taylor W slid just outside the post making the score 26-14 Hammers. Sheppard’s glory was short lived as he was subbed off for the “experienced” Leith.  

Hammers were sensible and opted to take the points as the referee awarded a penalty in front of the posts – need I say more Taylor W stepped up… and missed. Bane despite showing great pace (with his new boots on) didn’t quite manage to score but certainly gets a gold star for effort.  

Victory was looking more likely as the Betfair exchange odds for a Hammers win moved to 1.27 (please gamble responsibly). These odds were only slashed further to 1.12 as Leith despite the paternal sleep deprivation stole the ball from a BS scrum and scored in the right corner. Cue Taylor W (again), with expectations wavering from a couple of misses those little stick legs built up some momentum and slotted it, Hammers lead extended 33-14. 

With victory surely imminent, a momentary threat to the Hammers try line and an eye watering (he cried) boot to the eye for Rylance (he probably deserved it as well) BS stole themselves an unconverted consolation try. Hammers lead 33-19. 

By this point the wind and rain were boring/freezing all involved and many looked as though they were waiting for the final whistle, but not Ralston who decided to rub more salt in the BS wounds by scoring a great try. Taylor W did his job and perhaps unsurprisingly with the pressure off slotted his kick. Hammers lead 40-19. 

The final whistle blew, followed by cheers all round from the men in red, as this vengeful victory moves us to the top of the league and through the next round of the cup.  

FULL TIME – Hammers win 40-19      

Hammers Vets v Grasshoppers – Match Report

Over the past two seasons, the Hammers Vets side has quietly been enjoying a resurgence following the creation of a new Vets Middlesex Merit Table. It has led to the return of some big names synonymous with the glory years in the noughties, playing alongside those who saw active service in the 90s. Names such as Clarke, Furniss, Lines, Campbell, Rumble and Hunt are back down as regular names on the team sheet.  As games are played on Friday nights, it means those who are fit and able, but also with weekend family commitments, can sneak a game and a load of beers in with fellow Hammer comrades once a month.

Having come runners up to a strong Ealing team last season, the Vets have started the 2017/18 campaign strongly, winning their first two matches in style against London French and Teddington. Last Friday, it was the turn of Grasshoppers, played under the lights of the vets new home ground, Allianz Park. The stadium now has two teams of galacticos plying their trade on its hallowed north London astro-turf.

Now if truth be told, Kim Jong Rogan was initially assigned the task to attend the match and take some notes on who scored etc and include a bit of a running commentary, primarily based on the fact he wouldn’t have made the side, however as he only arrived with ten minutes left on the clock, details in the following report are lacking. However at half time, the Vets found themselves up 20 points to 8, despite a frantic and poorly controlled start to the game, probably as a result lingering Christmas fatigue, and with Grasshoppers running some strong lines off a decent backrow/halfback combination.

In the second half, Hammers eventually started to take control of proceedings, helped in part by a decent bench, and further aided by Tom Parkinson scoring four tries. This included two where he ran pretty much the length of the pitch, as well as one or two other moments of magic involving much of the back line.

What was even more surprising, almost suspicious, was the fact that Ryan Dilley, who usually averages 2 tries a game, failed to chalk up a single point. Jury is still out on this phenomenon, but one can only assume he’s got tied up in some dodgy Asian betting syndicate and was trying to hinder the Hammers win. The vets ended the game victorious with a 58 – 8 win, particularly pleasing to the young whippersnapper Blyghts, and the squad look forward to the next game and beers at Staines on Friday 9th February.

For his lack of enthusiasm, and failure to score a single point Dilley was awarded Tin Man, whilst MOM went jointly to Parko and the vets very own Benjamin Button, Sly, who both put in a sterling 80 minutes in the centres. An honourable mention must also go to Ed Clark and his colleagues at Saracens for hosting us once again.

Should you want to get involved with the vets, and fancy a run, please email Adam Jones on  adamrjones1511@gmail.com. Not only do the vets have additional league fixtures coming up this season, but plans are afoot for an over 45s game on Old Hams day on 14th April.