2nd XV men’s emerge victorious on Friday night lights!

The boys turned up to a wet and windy Rosslyn Park under the spotlights eager to impress the Hammers ultras on the sideline.

The lads came out the blocks firing and it didn’t take long for Max Dugdale to nudge the ball to 10 meters out from the Rosslyn Park 4th line – setting up the opportunity for the Hammers rolling maul to go to work. A strong driving maul set up saw the forwards walk over the line with Rob McKeon dotting the ball down for his first Hammers try.

Despite some joué from the Hammers backline creating multiple line breaks, tricky conditions and strong covering tackles from Rosslyn Park 4th’s kept them in the game. More pressure and up the jumper rugby however took its toll towards the end of the second half with Conor Burke crossing the line to give the boys the lead going into half time.

Half time: 14 – 0 Hammers.

Rosslyn Park 4th’s came back strong in the second half, with big carries from their front five they finally got themselves into the game crossing the line and converting to make the score 14-7. Big shots in the centre from James Maddigan and Huw Parks set the tone for the Hammers defence.

The last 10 minutes saw the boys big deep. With lads suffering with cramps across the field as a result of some ropey conditioning it took a sublime line from hooker Conor Burke to cut the opposition in half and drive us deep into the oppositions 22. A quick recycle from the ruck saw the ball go out wide to Ainsley Howard who went over in the corner to seal a well deserved victory for the Hammers.

Full time: 24 – 7 to the mighty 2’s

Honourable mention to Max Dugdale for keeping the scoreboard ticking over, slotting all four attempts at the sticks. Also the opposition 10 for trying to kick every touch finder onto the Upper Richmond Road – the breaks in play were much appreciated.

Less honourable mentions for members of the post match boat race team, who need to re-evaluate putting themselves forward for drinking competitions in the future.

MOM – James Maddigan for putting in big shots all game and running strong lines.

DOD – James Lalor for dropping the ball over the try line.


Hammers 4s fight hard and fight well.

As luck would have it the sun was out at Hurlingham Park last Saturday, but many puddles remained on the pitch after the torrential down pours during the week. I’ll come back to one puddle in particular in due course.The atmosphere was a little subdued, not sure why. After a tentative warm-up and a bit of ground maintenance by Seb Money, filling in a giant rabbit hole, the game kicked off against Whitton Lions. They were definitely the bigger team, but we were determined and kicked off well and after a crunching first hit, Whitton Lions were on the back foot. Following a knock-on, we had an attacking scrum on the left hand side, which we won, but the follow on move did not go so well. Undeterred, we kept making meters as Whitton Lions kept kicking us the ball as they cleared their lines. Finally, off an attacking scrum, Charlie Parry trundled over the line thinking that he had scored. But it was not be, the ball was held up by Whitton Lions. Several phases later, after some well executed play, Charlie Parry did earn us some points, which were topped up by the conversion.More phases were played and following a clearing kick, a long game of ‘kick tennis’ began. Several minutes later, and following some angry looks form the forwards, who were starting to feel left out, Nathan Wooley made a darting run up the right hand side of the touch line. He launched a floating pass (well suited to a basketball court) causing a moment of confusion between Joel Mariner and Jake Cheetham as they both jumped up to receive the pass. Joel Mariner got the better airborne position, caught the ball and Jake Cheetham landed face down in the one muddle puddle on the entire pitch. He stumbled to his feet, arm out-stretched requesting a towel service to wipe his hands, which was met with much hysterical laughter. With no towel forthcoming Nathan Wooley obliged with his shirt – the youth of today!The next score came from Whitton Lions off a driving maul, closely followed by a well executed try from Cyprian Dumont, his first of the day, followed by a successful conversion. All set for half time, Hammersmith & Fulham, let their guard down and Whitton Lions squeezed in another try from a pick and go – two meters out from the base of the ruck. Half time, finally.The second half was less frantic. The first score came from Hammersmith & Fulham. Cyprian Dumont made a line break and gave a ‘Sonny Bill Williams -esque’ offload to Joel Mariner who walked in untouched under the posts. Lovely! Whitton Lions responded with another try after a favourable bounce, but no conversion followed. Hammers maintained their lead.After a very well placed penalty kick into to the corner by Joel Mariner, the forwards produced more excellent phases of play resulting in Cyprian Dumont crashing over the line for his second try. Seb Money, true to form, picked his moment to make substitutions – the entire bench – giving us fresh legs. With a spring in our stride, Seb Norris was a able to score in the corner, putting Hammers further ahead. Not to be out done, Whitton Lions slipped in another try, and successfully converted. With the score line tight, Hammers were not done yet clocking up points. Seb Norris charged up the pitch and was tackled by the fullback, but with Hammers reinforcements on hand to continue to make up ground to the 5 meter line, the ball magically arrived back in Seb Norris’ hands and he walked over the the line. Our stamina prevailed and we successfully controlled a late surge by Whitton Lions. Final score 40-24 to the mighty Hammers, hard fought and well. deserved victory.MOTM Cypian DumontDOTD Jake Cheetham

Hard work pays off for the 1st XV Hammers Women!

Whether it’s the annual Pub Golf social, post-match boat race or a game of pre-training touch, it is a truth universally acknowledged by all that “A quick game is a good game“. The referee made it clear from the off that we needed pace in everything from set pieces to open play in order to keep in his good graces. I have never seen tired bodies roll away from a tackle, throw themselves into scrums and lineouts or ruck faster for a full 80 minutes than I did on Sunday. Such athletes. In true ‘anything the forwards do, we can do better’ fashion, our well-drilled back line embraced the “need for speed” mentality and capitalised on the momentum, scoring a try so quickly in the opening minutes that even the Veo couldn’t catch it in time. Swift hands from the backs resulted in our first score as Ella took a hard line and sliced through the Hackney defence to cross the whitewash and snag our first points of the day. The extras were duly added by Sirri and Hammers were 7-0 up!

Structure and discipline was the theme of the first half; strong forward play threw the defence in disarray which in turn enabled the backs to pull off some ridiculously clean lines. Smart kicking from Alex W mounted the pressure on Hackney; with them conceding multiple penalties in quick succession, it wasn’t long before we were gifted a penalty in front of the posts. Stepping up to the plate, Sirri slotted the kick making it 10-0. Hereafter followed some frantic play on both sides. A brief deviation from our gameplan enabled Hackney to make some headway and get deep into our half, but solid defence on our wings and dominance in the scrums got us out of jail and it wasn’t long before another sharp bit of backs play got us on the scoreboard again. With playmaker Alex W deftly feeding to a strong centre combination, Ella tore through the defence again before giving a slick offload in contact to Sirri who crashed over the line to bag our third under the posts. Shamelessly converting her own try, Sirri added the extras again to make it 17-0

Some lovely kick chase play edged us into the good ball area, hard work from the forwards tied up with a smart draw and delayed pass from Alex W, making it into the hands of an unstoppable Steffy for our third try of the day. Conversion nailed again, Sirri put us at 24-0

The half time message was simple. Keep to our game plan, reduce the dogleg in our defensive line and maintain the same energy and intensity from the first half. (This last point was requested by the referee – as soon as we receive the footage from his bodycam, I will share screenshots of how the front row on both sides reacted to the concept of having to run towards scrums.)

Hackney were relentless in trying to get back into the game, working hard to field Alex W and Sirri’s kicks and sending their physical outside centre and left winger to challenge us. But Hammers stood their ground in defence – huge tackles, impressive defensive presses and quick rucks killed their offload game and returned possession to our hands. 

There’s an old rugby saying “Forwards dictate who wins the game, backs decide by how much“. It’s very famous, but apparently Tappers has never heard of it because how else can we explain her thunderous chief run at the line, smashing through 3 Hackney players and dotting down the ball for our fourth try #oosh! Special shout out goes to the referee for noticing that Hackney tried to put their hands under the ball after it had been grounded and deny the score (sneaky!) Maintaining a 100% kick record for the game, Sirri put us at 31-0 to firmly secure our delightful bonus point win.

 Back Of The Match – went to Ella for her smart lines, clever linking play and big tackles

Forward Of The Match – went to Carola for her hard carries and cat-like reflexes at the lineout

Super Sub – went to Amy R for the second week in a row after seamlessly slotting in as hooker and enabling the pack to maintain their dominance in the second half

Hammers 2nd XV Women put in a spirited performance.

A loss never felt so much like a win. After a solid warm-up, the Hammers were ready and raring to kick off.

Reading got off to an impressive start and scored 4 trys during the match, however a good defensive effort and some excellent dominant tackles prevented Reading’s score line from increasing.
As well as shining defensively, the Hammers were a cohesive unit with an excellent attitude and excellent communication. Although not meant to be, consistency from the forwards followed by speed and skill from the backs set us up for a few try near-misses.
Sunday’s performance was a sign of things to come for the Hammers 2s, as with regular training to fine-tune key points for improvement, the Hammers 2s gave the makings of a formidable side. NC1, we’re coming for you.

Back Of The Match – went to Sian for her impressive work rate throughout the game

Forward Of The Match – went to Mirriam with a splendid return to match day rugby. Bossing it at hooker, making metres and strong tackles across the pitch. 


Hammers go 7 from 7

A big day ahead, the longest coach trip of the year, a potential banana skin if past seasons are anything to go by and the thought of Six bottles of Lambrini’s on the horizon created an anxious buzz around the group.

Arriving at the ground the excitement began to grow, with facilities and grounds every club would dream of, a big 4g pitch, spacious changing rooms and a high spec gym you couldn’t help but look forward to what was ahead.

The game started with a poorly taken restart by hammers, however possession was quickly regathered. Ross quickly put his mark on the game bringing out his inner Dupont-esque kicking skills not once, but twice giving us a 50/22 gifting us great territory gains. The first of nine tries came fifteen minutes into the game after a quick tap penalty from ross, putting it out to the backs and Ed Haynes with perfect pass setting Matt Killeen up in the corner.

It wasn’t long before the second, third and fourth try came. Captain, Joe Carolan showing his strength to break a few tackles and finish in the corner. Joe, a name that will pop up a lot through this report, set McCloud up for the third try of the game after good identification of a miss-match in the middle. The fourth was a full length of the field try, with the ball going through J-Lo, Zanders and Harty’s hands before ending with another try from Joe, sealing that bonus point in the first half hour.

The half finished with a big defensive set, ten minutes of solid pressure from Aylesbury’s forwards grinding their way closer to the line and eventually coming away with a try, giving them some hope going into the second half. The second half started in a similar fashion to the ending of the first, silly penalties given away allowing Aylesbury a lineout five meters out which resulted in their second try of the match after some silky hands from their hooker.

More uncertainty came after a clearance kick didn’t make touch allowing Aylesbury’s fullback to gather and show his pace and skill to make a good break from sixty meters out leaving a two on one which was well executed putting them under the posts for another try, back to a sixteen-point difference, game on.

Fifteen minutes of brain fog out of the way and hammers got back to their usual ways settling into the second half and finally getting some territory and possession which resulted in another Killeen try, quickly followed by a beautifully executed move between scrum half Ross and centre Joe leaving the Aylesbury forwards wondering how he ended up under the posts to score his fourth try of the match.

Aylesbury didn’t give up hope on that loosing bonus point, and their determination paid off with a big carry from a destructive number eight to go over for Aylesbury’s last try of the match.

The game finished with a powerful run from J-Lo leaving four defenders in his wake resulting in the final try of the game and second for James, bringing the final score to 53-24. Some very strong performances, Joe Carolan in particular, who picked up MOTM. A lot to work on before a top of the table clash next weekend at Hurlingham, but a win on the road is always nice.

Hammers 1st XV’s perfect start to the season rolls on!

The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost. The world is changed. Ed Wynne and Scott Van Berkel are out injured attempting to carry the weight of Jacob Poulton’s inflated sense of TrussEconomics. Ollie Weaver decided that taking part in a run for charity was more important than another weekend of missing kicks to touch. Could Hammers live up to previous weeks with such changes to their lineup? Only time would tell…

The game started as confidently as Kwasi Kwarteng’s plan for the economy. Alex Hart plucked the ball from the sky and exit errors were compounded by handing errors. Fullerians scored in the corner. The response was simple and effective, unlike the Conservatives attempt at stablising the markets. Matt Killen shrugged off rumours of his move to Real Madrid and brilliantly scored in the corner after some hard work from the pack to build field position.

Fullerians replied and demonstrated the reason why they so respected in the league. Firstly, they scored a try in the corner off a scrum and then knocked over a penalty. Hammers were shocked. They hadn’t been down before like this. They were desperately defending their line like the men from Helms Deep. Recognising the need for leadership, Tim Russell rode into a swarm of Fullerian defenders and completed the only in tackle offload of the game. The move ended in a well worked try in the corner. From that point Hammers took control and decided to let their resident conservative trundle over the line.

The second half demonstrated with impact of Ian Burbridge on the side. The side’s fitness decided the game with tries from Joe Carolan and BRUCE. James Lo verbally questioned an oppositions rugby ability and earnt slice of cheddar. At the end of the game Alex Spicer’s 50m sprint-> jog-> walk line break was completed by a Jacob Poulton Sonny Bill NFL Hail Mary. The game ended with a 5 point win for Hammers and showed why the RFU had decided to come film the “greatest club in the world”.

Hammers 3rd XV turn it on at Chiswick!

Match Report: Hammers III v Chiswick II
Saturday 15th October saw a Hammersmith and Fulham 3rd XV handily beat a well drilled Chiswick 2nd XV. Hammers took the game by the horns when after a well recovered kick off in the opposition 22 and good phase play from the forwards, Jack Hooper was put over in the corner off the first play of the game. The game, however, didn’t keep up this break neck speed; as the opening quarter turned into an attritional, physical match, with big carries and hard tackling from both teams.

The gridlock was finally sliced open by a dancing Jake Cheetham, running from fly-half, and dotting under the posts from a scrum inside Hammer’s own half. The score would open the door for both teams attacking play, with Chiswick scoring either side, of Hammer’s MOTM Zack Underwood scoring his first. 19-14 after 30 minutes.

More purists rugby would ensue, with Hammers turning the screw in the tight five and dominating the scrum. The penalties and territory turned to points, with Adam Howell converting after a scrum was pushed over from 5m out. Hammers went into the break, up 26-14. The second half didn’t take long to get going for Hammersmith, with Huw Parks capping off a stellar kick performance (5/7 conversions) by taking a hard-line carry over for a try, untouched on his way to the promised land. Zack Underwood would convert again for Hammers, diving over from a foot out, off the base of a ruck.

Despite pulling one back, frustration started to show for Chiswick, who were unable to handle physicality shown be the Hammers front row, and replacements. After turning the ball over in Hammer’s territory, Joue ensued, with the Hammersmith backs toying with the hapless Chiswick chasing defenders, to put Jack Hooper over for his brace. Late in the game, a controversial referring decision would earn Harrison Moy his DOTD denotation; after running 85m to score off a turnover despite the referee calling a knock on.

A 45-21 full-time result for Hammers was a well deserved, with some excellent goal line defense capping off the second half. Credit to James ‘Mad-Dog’ Maddigan for excellent defensive effort
throughout as well as Dan Whitaker limiting the Chiswick offensive capabilities, with a great display from 7.

MOTM: Zak Underwood
DOTD: Harrison Moy

The Hammers Women’s 1st XV bring the OOSH!

Once again the rugby gods smiled down on us and we had bright sunshine for our trip to the top of the Northern Line. Unusually we also arrived to find that the Hampstead pitches still had grass on them! Clearly we should travel up there early every year.

As expected it was a tough game from the start with Hampstead bringing the physical intensity they’re known for. However, our two weeks of focus on contact and dominant tackles paid off as we took it to them both with our tackles and carries. Ten minutes in, Hammers strong scrummaging turned over the ball in Hampstead’s 22, and although I went down under friendly fire (Carola) it was worth it as the backs used the turnover ball to our advantage with Sally driving over in the corner to put the first points on the board. The wide angle made the conversion difficult but we were ahead 0-5. Hampstead are not a team that easily drops their heads and so they came straight back at us and soon had us under pressure on our own line. Despite a try being held up by Katherine, Hampstead crossed the line on the wing and converted to make it 7-5.
Half time.

The game then became somewhat of an arm wrestle as the backs from both teams decided that the forwards hadn’t had enough scrum practice in the previous weeks and proceeded to give us lots of opportunities to scrummage (at least 25 scrums at the current count). After a concerning injury to a Hampstead player (update: she has been checked and cleared by the hospital) we moved to a different pitch to continue the game. A (very) high tackle on Meg 2 metres out gave a Hampstead player 10 minutes rest. Alex then decided that some things are best done yourself and cut through the Hampstead defence to score. Sirri converted to make it 7-12. We continued to put Hampstead under pressure with our kicking game and strong carries, but small mistakes and penalties started to cost us and we found ourselves defending our try line once again. Pressure eventually told and Hampstead scored on the wing again. The conversion proved too difficult and we were all square at 12-12 with 10 to go. We reflected under the posts that we needed to take the game straight back to Hampstead and that’s what we did. Pressure on the kick off and at the breakdown earned Hammers a penalty right in front of the posts. Sirri stepped up to slot the kick and put us ahead 12-15 with 5 minutes left on the clock. Although it was a tense 5 minutes, strong defence and discipline held for the Hammers and Hampstead weren’t able to respond. A great match and the first win of the season!

Forward of the match – Emma Stilwell for great scrummaging and strong carries
Back of the match – Alex Whyte for her excellent kicking game and organisation of the back line
Special mention – Sirri Raines for calm kicking under pressure to net Hammers the win.

5th bonus point win rounds out a Brilliant Q1

What on earth is going on in the house of commons… Another Saturday was upon us forecasting yet another train strike and, of course, a spot of champagne rugby.

The boys turned up rolling dice after the 2 hour, 20 mile car journey to Old Haberdashers’ RFC just north of the city; nevertheless, the sun was shining and the smell of the freshly cut pitch had the Hammers in good spirits especially after the miserable forecast given earlier in the week.

As Hammers ran out, physically prepared by Ian Burbedge’s S&C intern Ben Hatton and mentally primed by the Caravan’s wise words they were ready for the most anticipated whistle blow they receive every week.

Old Haberdashers came out firing down the hill with wind behind for the first half and Hammersmith & Fulham were shaken. Execution and ball retention lacked, and Haberdashers made the bottom corners a hard place to exit along with the helping hand from mother nature. With possession against the Hammers, defence remained strong as usual, and the inside-men quickly cottoned on to the fact their fly half was throwing an inside ball every other phase. However, as phases passed Hammers lost composure at times and discipline lapsed leading to three penalties all in front of the posts throughout the first half, all of which were pinned by the opposition 10. Hammers knew they had a game on their hands, and they needed to buck their ideas up – it was flat.

As possession turned, strong carries by Josh Smith and sub-par Pete Clark gave the backs a platform and it was flung out wide to the honey badger Tim Russell who marched the team up the right-hand side of the pitch into the opposition half. Phases started to build and eventually the whistle went in favour of Hammers with a penalty around the oppositions 10 meter line with the touchline in sight; however, some slick communication from Carolan saw Weaver’s wand fire a quick tap and miss pass to the opposite side of the pitch to Carolan who gave a second miss pass to Matt Killeen on the wing who of course finished strong in the corner with the first try of the game. At this point momentum started to shift and it appeared the Hammers had started to wake up from the car journey with another try coming in before half time as Marshall McCloud gathered a kick from the opposition on the half way line, injected his pace onto the ball before sending Killeen through a gap on the filthiest line of the season thus far:

The boys received a stern talking to from Mark at half-time.

Second half kicked off and it was clear birthday boy Ed Wynne who just came on as the impact prop heard Mark loud and clear as he caught the hanging restart from Weaver and went bulldozing through the opposition with no intention of any footwork. Phases built off this play with lovely edge to edge joué with strong collisions from Proctor and Hart and finally concluded in a backs move just outside of the 5-meter line with Weaver sending a miss pass over the top to McCloud who ran it over the line for his first try of the season.

The impact subs continued, and Bryce Morgan introduced himself to the game in style with a classy kick behind which was scooped up by Tim Russell who dotted down continuing his fight his as the third top try scorer this season. There was no doubt, at this point Hammers had found their Mojo which was misplaced during the first half and again continued to play in the right areas and gel as a team with great support play and lines being run with special mention to Josh Smith who soon bagged a meat pie under the posts off the back of some great team play.

As Hammers were getting into their notorious sixth gear, the game slowed with ball retention starting to lack off the set piece and some questionable decisions being made. A driving maul from the pack saw Ricky Drewitt presented with a try scoring opportunity once over the line, however with some angles not presented, he was penalised for a double movement over the try line. The bad luck then continued with a pinpoint cross field kick from Weaver finding Killeen who touched down before being disallowed due to an offside call by the touch judge, preventing a Killeen hat-trick in 60 minutes. During this period Haberdashers hit back with a great team-try which came from their outside centre and captain making a strong break through the Hammers and was followed with flooding support play which led to a try.

The fury built in Killeen with anxiety of jug avoidance and so it was time for the wheels to come out once again with a dash down the wing to get the hat-trick he was nearly robbed from; but he wasn’t done there, a brilliant set piece from the Hammers backs within their own 22 saw James Lo giving a perfect ball on the gain line to Killeen who again proceeded to run most the pitch to score under the sticks yet again for his fourth.

Haberdashers were understandably feeling the frustration after this and came back hard with some solid carries up the middle, and with many phases building they eventually found themselves on the Hammers 5-meter line hoping to finish strong on what now looked like a harsh score line. After many attempts close to the break down failing to penetrate the Hammers try line defence, the ball was spun out to the backs but Carolan read they were going to hit the big Haberdashers 13 and intercepted the pass to run 95 meters under the oppositions posts to finish the game.

Another Bonus-point win for Hammersmith & Fulham RFC, as they make it 335 points for the season and 5 out of 5 so far, the biggest total points scored in the RFU right now. Time for a rest week and some well-deserved TLC for the boys who will take on bongos bingo this weekend before heading back home to Fort Hurlingham to face Fullerians on the 15th October.

Hammers 3s start fast to see off physical Ealing side

On a clear Saturday the Hammers 3s looked to make it two from two in the league. The side looked strong in team runs and there was an excited optimism as the team took the field.

This translated into a quick start as hammers kicked deep and then fullback Jake Cheetham ran the return kick straight back at the opposition. A series of well executed offloads and centre James Madigan dotted down to put hammers one score up after the first play of the game.

With their tails up the Hammers team dominated the next minutes of the game. A strong set piece gave the hammers consistent ball and flanker Jack Macgregor soon added his name to the score board.

Hammers continued to dominate the rest of the half with strong defence and well organised attack. Additional scores from Adam Howell and Ainsley Howard saw them go into the break with the score at 24-3.

The second half started with 15 minutes in which Ealing looked to get themselves back into the game, their big ball carriers attacking the Hammers line with renewed energy. However, the home side continued to soak up this pressure, getting off the line and tackling hard.

It was a different story in attack as the big lead resulted in some complacency, with increasingly ambitious offloading and balls going to ground. Prop Rob McKeon tipped this off with a Cipriani inspired no-look pass that resulted in an intercept try for the opposition.

With renewed focus from conceding, hammers pinned the opposition back in their half for much of the remainder of the game. When well organised defence isolated an Ealing ball carrier, the ball was turned over and spread quickly to the backs. Centre Adam Crompton found himself with ball in hand and looked up to see grass in front of him, galloping under the post for what would be the final play of the game.

The 3s now find themselves undefeated early in the season and will look to keep this record in the coming weeks.

MotM – Mart Omen

DotD – Conor Burke