Hammersmith & Fulham RFC is excited to welcome all new and returning players to our 2020-21 season!

Pre-season training starts on Thursday 9th July, 7-9pm at Hurlingham Park, SW6. In order to ensure pre-season is safe, productive and fun, ALL new and returning players MUST read the pre-season guidance below.

Return to Play

Pre-season training guidance

The club has been preparing a ‘return to training’ plan based on Government and RFU guidance. Our objective is to ensure that each player has the opportunity to attend at least one training session per week. To achieve our goal, numbers at each training session will be capped, with players organised into small groups. The success of this will depend on you, so please help us to make this a fun, productive and safe return to rugby.

When are we training?
• The club will be holding three training sessions a week – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
• Tuesday and Thursday will be available to both men and ladies, and will be on a first come, first serve basis. Wednesday will be for the men’s section only.
• Each training session will be split into two. The first session will start at 7.00pm. The second session will start at 8.00pm. Each session will last approximately 45 minutes.

What do I have to do to attend training?
• You will need to book a slot at training using the online platform Calendly (an app is also available). A link for booking will be distributed each week.
• Booking will open on Fridays at 9am and close the following Monday at 9am.
• You will only be able to book training slots for the coming week.

By booking the slot you are declaring that:
You have not suffered any COVID symptoms in the previous 14 days, nor spent extended time with people who have symptoms.
• When in public spaces you have adhered to the Government’s social distancing guidance.
• You will be at training in your booked spot.
• If you are unable to attend training for any reason, you will contact your coach as soon as possible to let them know you can no longer attend. This will allow us to reassign your spot to someone else.

How do I travel to training, and what do I need?
• Please walk, drive or cycle if possible. If you need to take public transport, please wear a face mask as per Government guidance.
• Turn up changed and ready to train no earlier than 10 minutes before your session begins.
• Bring your own water in a clearly marked bottle. Please bring as little additional kit as possible.

What do I have to do when I arrive at training?
• Your temperature will be taken; anyone with a higher than normal temperature will be asked to skip training and return home.
• Find your training group and your training area (known as a “District”).
• Warm up alone or in small groups.
• Avoid touching, sweating on, or spitting near your fellow players.
• Do not share water.
• Maintain social distancing at all times.

How will training be run?
• The session will be led by coaches. Where possible there will be a coach allocated to each training group. Please listen to them at all times and follow their instructions.
• Balls will be supplied to each group and these should remain with that group throughout.
• Please return the balls to coaches for disinfecting at the end of the session. Sanitising gel will also be available in each training area, but please also consider bringing your own.

What happens after training?
At the end of the session please warm down separately or in small groups. We ask that you sanitise your hands and leave quickly. Do not hang around for chats, especially between session one and two. The Coaches will retrieve and sanitise cones at the end of the second session so please leave where they are.

If you have any questions or concerns, female players should contact Ladies DoR Sophie Tauchert and male players should contact club captain Andrew Rogan

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